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About booth price


A professional exhibition company in the exhibition design drawings need to pay attention to a lot of problems, such as booth height restrictions, the selection of exhibition equipment, flow direction, consumption design, etc.. These are the causes of the exhibition design prices are slightly higher, of course, other exhibition design should pay attention to the above issues, but the exhibition as a major event in Shanghai, these issues are particularly important.

Shanghai exhibition design has six years of exhibition design experience, the following look at how these issues from the drawings to solve.

Booth: height restrictions, especially on the double deck booth, staircase booth at the top of the structure, such as the extension of the outside of the more stringent restrictions, and meet the technical standards for the relevant procedures, there may be allowed to build a super high booth, layout exhibits. Shanghai exhibition is to have a wealth of technical standards, it is possible to build a super booth exhibitors.

Exhibition equipment requirements: no matter which exhibition company is a considerable importance to the exhibition, the technical indicators of electrical appliances must comply with local regulations and requirements. Materials used by fire retardant treatment, limiting the use of plastics, limiting hazardous chemicals. Shanghai exhibition design has a large set of factories, we can comply with the provisions of the reasonable use of exhibition equipment.

Aisle regulation: professional designers in the design of the booth has been marked with the walking path, the design of the walking path is to guide visitors to complete a booth, so as to know more about the exhibitors products. At the same time, it is also necessary for exhibitors to cooperate to ensure the smooth flow of people, the exhibition booth, props, works can not occupy the aisle.

As long as there is a qualified drawings, exhibition design price is not a problem, Shanghai exhibition has six years of exhibition design experience, I believe that the majority of exhibitors choose high-quality exhibition design company's preferred.

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